About Us

We are a group of friends interested in adventures and research. During our adventures we found and learned a lot from nature, that none really cares about, but these are really important to make a livelihood. So we decided to share them with you. Everyone of us has special talents and interests as follow :

F. Yanick - Specialized in research, field Work (fishing, snake domestication), Blog management and organizer

D. Asok - Cameran (documentary and cinefield)

G. Fernand - Team supporter

B. Ambroise - Specialized in Scoopdiving (without oxigen mask) and fishing

A. Aroq - Specialized in field work (fishing, hunting etc..)

Our users

This site is suitable for all kind of people and all ages. It doesn't contain any explicit script or image. It's suitable for adventurers, nature lovers, wildlife lovers and for those who want to impress the others, in a good manner.


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Information in this webnode are based on our own experiences, also gained through various interviews with the locals (in person) and on the internet. None of the information in here are claimed to be completely exact. We don't own any of the pictures posted in "FISH NAMES (Tamil-English)"